dinsdag 22 april 2014

My way to freedom from Zurich Airport (Kloten) Switzerland to Frankfurt Airport direct to Costa Rica

  My way to freedom from Zurich Airport (Kloten) Switzerland to Frankfurt Airport direct to Costa Rica

My way to freedom from Zurich Airport (Kloten) Switzerland to Frankfurt Airport direct to Costa Rica

After much consideration, I decided that I needed to turn my life in freedom and liberty Because I want to stop work for a boss to and wants to withdraw out of the Corrupt and this Spastic system.
Now i'm using Ipas2. to get my self in freedom, this is not easley one, two, three,working because you have something to do for this of course. After working and traveling around in different places in Europe, I worked  as a cook in the Netherlands, Germany, Austria and Switzerland , I am now ready with spastic system which we still have to live, with that I have therefore decided to undertake to pick up my new life and am in the world of Internet Marketing to be stepped to earn Big money. to be successful This comb because I've been out of work, I have been more than 2years Workless and 3months In Social Services. The last 9years. that I have lived and worked in Switzerland. I've seen a lot of this country, a lot of nice things, but also the lesser things that I've encountered, which the majority of people have no knowledge of or never have wondered what all that means.
Op weg naar Zürich Airport (Kloten

Six weeks ago I was on Facebook against a person who also does Internet Marketing who wanted to help me (the name I let it omitted because his privacy ) to go . Blogging with the Viral Blogging System Empower Network to get started He then came to me and suggested to go there that the Big Boys are EmpowerNetwork including David Wood and Dave Sharpe ( the founders ) . Me to Costa Rica I was very excited when he asked me this , he explained to me how we are going to tackle this , and how this will in all honesty and how you can be with Internet Marketing and blogging success. I went right in his Team # Simpowerteam stepped and my username chosen as # bimswiss .

Three weeks later , we decided to book the flight to go to Fly from Zurich Airport via Frankfurt Airport off and then on to Costa Rica Two days after , and that is a day earlier as we had first a hotel booked for the next day because the airplane to Frankfurt that was left at 6:30 , so we had packed our stuff and left everything behind that I could not take. Out of Gerlafingen (Canton Solothurn ) with the Via Train Solothurn directly off to travel to Zurich. Airport Hotel


Zürich(Kloten) - Frankfurt

Once we arrived in the hotel, I had quickly written a blog to the next morning to the airport to go check in at the "Swiss" Desk in Zurich (Kloten) Airport. As usual, here we also had two hours in advance there. Good? Two hours that actually went over quickly after because we had to find out where was the entrance of the gate, a few cups of coffee and sandwiches we could finally board the plane that we Flew to Frankfurt Airport (Fraport), take off with this device (Airbus), unfortunately I`ve forgotten wich airplain to be flown, it was certainly not a Airbus 380. you know, the second type of device that has two floors. Yes exactly, a Boeing 747, no coincidence that can not because coincidence does not exist. By the way this is also out on Eleven provided you let the number7 a way.

After that we stepped inside the "Swiss" airplane did we had a airplane where you could sit well with ample legroom what's was compared to the "Condor" flight from Frankfurt to Costa Rica, the flight was very pleasant, the service was very good and the pilot who was trained by the Swiss Luftwaffe could pave the way and landed in my mind more than perfect at Fraport (Frankfurt Airport).
Once we landed and stepped off the plane we arrived around 7:30 then we had to wait for the next plane to departed at 21:50 to Costa Rica.

to be continued

Tags: #ZürichAirport #FrankfurtAirport #CostaRica #Bimswiss #Simpowerteam

maandag 21 april 2014

The Pagan Origins Of Easter Exposed And How People Get Mind Controled By The Church Part2

The Pagan Origins Of Easter Exposed And How People Get Mind Controled By The Church Part2

The Pagan Origins Of Easter Exposed And How People Get Mind Controled By The Church Part2

seeker of truth

Some have wondered why the word " Easter" is mentioned in the King James Bible. That 's because ( acts ) Acts , chapter 12 tells us that it was the evil King Herod , who was planning to celebrate Easter , and not the Christians . The true passover , and the pagan Easter sometimes coincide , but in different years, they are far away from each other .So much more could be said , and we still have a lot more information for you , if you are a seeker of truth . We know that the Bible in John 4:24 us told that " God is a Spirit , and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth . " The truth is that the forty days of Lent , eggs , rabbits , hot sandwiches the "Easter cross " and everything to do with the ancient pagan religion of Mystery Babylon . And are all antichrist activities ! Satan is a master deceiver , and filled the lives of well-meaning , professing Christians with idolatry .


These things bring the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience , who are trying to make . Pagan customs of Baal worship Christian You must answer for your activities and for what you teach the children . These customs of Easter and the honor of Baal , who is also Satan , and still get worshiped as the " Rising Sun " and his house is the "House of the Rising Sun. "

Easter = Ishtar

How many churches have " Rising Sun services " on Ishtar (Easter ) day the sun rising in the East, taking into account? Will use colored eggs and rabbit stories , as they did in ancient Babylon . How These things are no joke , just as the Day of Judgment is a joke . I pray to God that this tract will cause that you will find more truth . We will be glad to help you by providing more information and by praying for you. These are the last days , and it's time to show remorse and come out without you.

zondag 20 april 2014

The Pagan Origins Of Easter Exposed And How People Get Mind Controled By The Church Part1

The Pagan Origins Of Easter Exposed And How People Get Mind Controled By The Church

The Pagan Origins Of Easter Exposed And How People Controled By The Church

Palm Sunday and Good Friday

Why do you believe the things you believe , you do the things you do ?
Most likely you have never stopped the time to ask yourself these questions. From childhood you have been taught to accept as Easter . Important Christian festival You can be assumed that it is the true Christian religion to observe Lent , Palm Sunday and Good Friday to observe in order to get to paint Easter hot cross buns at the bakery to dress neatly and on Easter Sunday to church , perhaps even an Easter sunrise service to attend!
Because the " kudde' instinct of many people believe many things that are not true . Many do many things that are wrong in assuming that these things are true , or even sacre!

church service at sunrise

Easter is a day that get honored by almost everyone in the contemporary Christianity and is used to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ is often associated with a church service at sunrise , and a party with " Ham (meat ) at Easter" , decorated eggs and stories with rabbits . Lovers of truth come to ask questions, and many questions must be asked about the Easter celebration . Is it really the day Jesus rose from the dead ? Where did all those strange customs come from, which have nothing to do with the resurrection of our Savior ? The goal is to help you answer these questions and to help those who are trying to find ways to draw their own conclusions. Truth ones


The first thing we must understand is that professing Christians were not the only ones to a celebration called " Easter" celebrated . " Ishtar " which is pronounced " Easter " ( Easter in English ) was a day that the resurrection celebrated one of their gods that they called " Tammuz " , who was regarded as the only begotten Son of the moon - goddess and the solar god . In those ancient times , there was a man named Nimrod , who was the grandson of one of Noah's sons " Ham " called . Ham had a son named Cush who married a woman Semiramis . Kush and Semiramis had a son and named him " Nimrod . " After the death of his father , Nimrod married his own mother and became a mighty king .

 One of the most notorious and feared rulers, 
from the time after Sumeria, the Great Kingdom BABYLON,
was called NIMROD. In the Bible he is, Nimrod,
 brought into relationship with the Anunnaki, in Genesis 6:4. 

"In those days there were giants on the earth, and also afterward, 
when the sons of God unto the daughters of men were entered, 
and children themselves had won; 
these are the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.

The Bible tells of this man , Nimrod , in Genesis 10:8-10 as follows : Kiss was also the father of Nimrod , who was the first ruler on earth . He was a mighty hunter , surpassed by none . Hence the saying : A hunter without equal, a second Nimrod . The core of his empire was formed by Babylon , Uruk , Akkad and Calneh , in Shinar .

Nimrod was a godly man for the people and Semiramis , his wife and mother , became the powerful Queen of ancient Babylon . Nimrod was eventually slain by an enemy , and his body was cut into pieces and sent to various parts of his kingdom . Semiramis had all body parts gathered , except for one part that could not be found. That missing part was his reproductive organ . Semiramis claimed that Nimrod could not come without the missing part ( Obelisk ) , back to life and told the people of Babylon that Nimrod had ascended to the sun , and now would be named "Baal" to be , the Sun god . Queen Semiramis also proclaimed that Baal would be in the form of a flame , candle or lamp, when used in the worship / memorial . Present on earth

Ishtar & Tammuz

Semiramis created a mysterious religion , and with the help of Satan , she set herself up as a goddess . Semiramis claimed that it was received. Flawless She taught that the moon was a goddess that went through a 28 day cycle and ovulation ( ovulation ) coincided with the full moon . They also claimed that they had come in a giant moon egg that fell into the Euphrates River . The moon down This could have happened at the time of the first full moon after the spring equinox 

To be contuned.............

Tags: #Easter #Mindcontrol #Church #bimswiss #simpowerteam

vrijdag 18 april 2014

Top Ten Dream Internet Marketing Killlers (and how to keep yours alive)

Top Ten Dream Internet Marketing Killlers

(and how to keep yours alive)

Top Ten Dream Internet Marketing Killlers
What keeps you from completing your projects and plans?
Manifesting your visions with interet marketing? Attaining your internet marketing dreams?
Here are the top ten ways that people fail to achieve, and how to
make sure that you are someone who keeps their dreams alive
long enough to manifest them before it kill your dream.
1. Not defining what success means to you.
If you aren’t sure where you’re going, how will you know when you get there? How will you get there at all? Complete this sentence until it feels 100% true for you.
2. Self-limiting beliefs (“I can’t do that because...“, or “I will only
succeed if [or when]...“)
Instead of looking at all the reasons you might fail, look at all the reasons you might succeed! Rather than examine why you can’t, look at how you could.

3. Apathy, lack of passion.
If it’s not worth your passion, you won’t waste your time and energy on it: your vision with internet marketing must inspire YOU.

4. Lack of confidence (the little voice that says “I think I can”)
If your lack of self-confidence is getting in the way, try this: every time you hear your “inner critic”, replace the negative self-talk with these words:
“I can and I will reach my goals". I am worth having a dream, and reaching it.
The past is over and done. The future hasn’t happened yet. The only power you have is in this moment and no other; seize it, and use it well. No one but you can do this.
Self-confidence is not a requirement to success. Many people have achieved great goals without knowing for sure that they could. What they did differently from those who did not achieve, was that they took the steps anyway.
5. Lack of willingness or commitment (being willing to do whatever it
takes to succeed)
Many people give up 5 minutes before the miracle -- or just before the goal line. Are you willing to go the distance for your dream? The winners do and won't let kill all of  your dream 

6. Allowing others to influence you/sway your resolve
Stop spending time with anyone who belittles you or your ideas. Keep your dreams to yourself to give them space to incubate free from critical voices (including yours). Share with others only when you are confident that you will hold fast to your dream no matter what they say (or don’t say) about it.

7. Doubts, fear, worry (focusing on the negative -- where your
attention keeps you)
Your mind is like a telescope -- you must calibrate it yourself. Take control of it and focus on your goals and strategies for success. Let the rest fade out, into oblivion. No one can change your mind but you -- and no one but you controls what you think. If you don’t like what’s on your mind, change it! And keep changing it until you are thinking what you really want to think, putting your attention where you want it to be.

8. Big enough vision to inspire your dream
Sometimes we want something just because everyone (or someone) else thinks we should want it. If there is no passion in it for you, if it does not call to your very soul, it’s not for you. Choose a bigger dream, a higher vision, that lights you up inside from the very core.

9. Lack of support and resources
Timing: Do you have enough time to work on this? What are you willing to do to find the time it will take? Are you willing to see it through, no matter how long it takes to get there?
Alliances: Who will help you accomplish your goal? Who will support you
unconditionally for your journey? Who is in your corner cheering you on? (Hint: a coach fills this role really, really well!) Who else will be there for you?
Resources: What will it take to get this job done? What are the necessary components, ingredients, features, equipment, etc.? How will you bring them into your life?
10. Seeing obstacles as stopping points vs steppingstones/opportunities for change of course or direction/signals for where to go/look next.
Many people give up because they are fooled into thinking that an obstacle is a sign of defeat. It’s not. It’s only an indicator of where to go next, where not to go, what to
change or avoid. Deal with it and move on and don't let kill your dream


Sometimes people allow themselves to stop and get sidetracked, delayed, or quit because they cannot see all the way to the end of the journey and how they will get there. This is a big mistake! You can literally plan the life out of a dream and Blogging together with "Empowernetwork" or "Ipas2"
No one really knows what will happen when they set out upon the vision of a lifetime: it’s too big.
All anyone can do is to take the NEXT step.
Put that word into your vocabulary
right now. You don’t need to know it all; what you really need to know is the NEXT step.
If you are just starting out, what would your FIRST step be? That’s the one to take, or strategize around.
After that, what is the NEXT step? Do that.
Ask the same question again (“What is the next step?”) over and over, until you see the end in sight, and can make your final approach to victory.
When you get to the end of your journey, and look back on how you got there, you will not see the things you thought were obstacles; you will see a series of steps that you took, some large but many small, even quite tiny and seemingly unimportant. Yet it took aLL of them to get you where you are. 
That’s how it’s done. Simple, really, when you think about it.
If you follow this simple procedure, you WILL succeed, despite anything that comes
between you and your dream. Remember: the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step With Empower Network or Ipas2. Take one today!



woensdag 16 april 2014

Ukraine-Russia Conflict Behind the hidden Motives Like A Yugoslavia War

Ukraine-Russia Conflict Behind the hidden Motives Like A Yougoslavia War

Ukraine-Russia Conflict Behind the hidden Motives Like A Yugoslavia war

i tried to explain the Ukraine-Russia Conflict how the hidden motives are
Standardized by the West method for its imperialist activities several times Again and again we see that Gene Sharp method. The ultimate method is tested prior to the Yugoslavia war . It's now even the Serbs of the former OTPOR - resistance group who have united in a revolution management center called Canvas , which help in driving global and rigging of revolutions . In Egypt , Tunisia and Libya, they were clearly present . We can also see the same method at the moment to be applied in Venezuela . In Ukraine we have now entered phase 3 . The first two phases were working on a popular uprising , followed by a forced change of government by the West . Built to a civil war . During phase three This war should come anyway , which is namely the Mainstream Media sold as necessary to address . Interference of Russia That in fact there is George Orwell's Newspeak ( also called " double-speak ') is obviously not explained. That leaked wiretaps showing that the West was behind the snipers in Kiev , that image analyzes demonstrate that this is simply not mentioned. Also the fact that there is cooperation with a neo-Nazi party is simply ignored . The power of the media is that people simply believe what the news or the newspaper she says . That small percentage of what it thinks itself ' collateral damage ' and we call for convenience jokingly "conspiracy theorists"


To build a new civil war is obviously good for the arms trade . It also provides some additional pressure on the already fragile European economy , that Russia might be the gas will run close together and there has to be invested in the fresh country incorporated within it . Oil companies thus have an additional excuse for the gas field in the West of Ukraine to go mine . If Russia is indeed showing an unreliable supplier , we must ourselves be reaming . Gas quickly That is an extra reason for more troops in the region , because gas has to be protected.


The population is distributed in the Russian-speaking part of the population that hangs to Russia and the other part that hangs to Europe . In the Crimea may be possible even played a little with Muslim extremism among the Tatar population . All the ingredients are there to once again be able to deliver some good weapons.

That's big business for all kinds of mafia groups . Moreover, you can fine many victims again . The word " sacrifice " is there for a reason for . It seems an aim in itself to make . Many deaths You often hear words in the alternative media that the third world war is going to come . But the fact is that this is going on for years . But as you count the number of wars that America and Europe founded in recent decades together. It 's just that the people remain asleep lulled by "bread and circuses" . The ancient Babylonian world order is still trying to get a grip on the entire world , and calls it 'the New World Order . " The Babylonian race so busy with this, feeds on blood sacrifice and pedophilia . Therefore, many wars have to be conducted with as many casualties . Therefore, children are drugged to be abused by highly placed and this is also used for extortion and blackmail in politics . It is time that you and I have this Babylonian bloodline will show that their time has been.
Vladimir Putin

Tags: #Russia #Ukraine #Yugoslaviawar


See Also My Backgammon Blog:  http://backgammonstar.blogspot.ch

zaterdag 12 april 2014

Alternative Medicine Should Be Used More Frequently Because This Is Working for anyone

Alternative Medicine Should Be Used More Frequently Because This Is Working for anyone

Yesterday I found a video on youtube and there was an article with a co-operation between alternative medicine and modern medicine. Alternatively, I prefer to call traditional medicine, as it was originally, it is not the other. Nevertheless, I was pleasantly surprised.


Really energetic preventive medicine

preventive medicine
It was not the first time I heard about it in a short time . 
I 'm working on setting ( no joke ) of a veritable " Healthy Its Board is " ... What ( natural / complementary / regular ) doctors, scientists and therapists to join for a monthly meeting for a Healthy Make no conflict of interest ? Really energetic preventive medicine , with emphasis on " Health Bevordere . " Instead of " Fight Disease " and "Symptoms Shift '! And do not heal . There are other developments , but more on that later ... "Overt cooperation between traditional and modern medicine . It is something that is needed. Modern medicine should not forget where its roots lie . Traditional medicine should not forget that there are quite a few developments have been and where people can have . Certainly benefit Fortunately, more and more people open their eyes and hearts to combine both modes ; the one excludes the other not . Know a lot of people for years and the number is increasing . People realize that it can be best for the big pharmaceutical companies. Moneymaker People are becoming more vocal and become even more better informed thanks to the internet . A ( family) doctor is only human and can not know everything . From my own experience I know that specialists can be enormously stubborn and not open to anyone's opinion , but as they are (thankfully ) not all. It 's about your own health ( are ) asking is free.Doctors in Europe and the United States would have to put in more often. Alternative medicine Several doctors and hospital administrators have participated in these projects.

Too much Money

Treatments such as acupuncture and relaxation therapies should be . Much more frequently applied The organization emphasizes that it only comes to alternative care where the effectiveness is proven . "It would be a shame if we do care that the patient does remember ," says Professor Hans Jeekel surgery .Hans Jeekel expects that most alternative medicine will not meet the conditions. European and American People give too much money to care that often does not work or even turn out wrong.Examples of complementary care that the report does work include : dietary supplements in the prevention of aging therapies focus on the body and psyche that pain and stress reduction , acupuncture, chiropractic and music .The proposal is proven effective to compensate through alternative care health insurance . This is relatively inexpensive because medications are less expensive . This could be saved in other care. The doctors involved in a report and a research focus on ZonW , to investigate what types of additional care make sense to enter.

Nice to see that one seriously deal with it . Sorry to see that there is an association which is so incredibly responsive and rigid leg keeps always stiff,  even though they make huge bloopers with statements . Close your eyes to other opinions is why are so stubborn in time ?

Where are you scared for? The interviewed Professor of Surgery (Hans Jekel) has an open mind . Some things are simply not measurable . If it works, then it works . Remember that we are all different and that the search ( in any field ) is or may be or what works for you .


Tags: Alternative, Medicine, Frequently, Bimswiss, Simpowerteam 


vrijdag 11 april 2014

Energies Of Lunar And Solar Eclipse At The Night of 14/15th Of April

Energies Of Lunar And Solar Eclipse At The Night of 14/15th Of April

Energies Of Lunar And Solar Eclipse At The Night of 14/15th Of April


eclipses always work through the subconscious

The total lunar and Solar eclipse of April 15, 2014 is not visible in Europe, but felt. This lunar eclipse is to take the other side of the world in Australia, West Africa, North and South America. True For the exact astronomical information click here! The highlight is around 9:42 CET. Lunar eclipses always work through the subconscious and is a kind of energy that imprinting to experience a number of months and by works. This lunar eclipse is paired with the annular eclipse of April 29, 2014 8:14 european time. The imprint, the moment of creation is that of the lunar and solar eclipse causes the energy goes into the world, flows out. 

Energy of the lunar eclipse.

Energy of the lunar eclipse.
The energy of this eclipse on April 15, 2014 9:42 BST requires us to go to the silence of your heart, where new inspiration unfolds for the new age, new knowledge, new roads and so forth insights into the silence of your inner world . From silent communication with the heart gives it the ability to eclipse. Ancient mechanisms of the collective unconscious behind us
 Operation both eclipses

The whole thing is like the anchor of a new integrated field of unity in us and in the world . It seems that the first pioneers with these eclipses countries , grounding and anchoring the new earth , which the new energy light can finally get into the collective. Practical shape from non-dual It may be that you are in your head before light and energetic melts . This is a new space in which all opposites come together . This is done with the first lunar eclipse in you, man, and becomes more concrete in the world with the eclipse of late April.

In recent months clashed a lot of energy in us and outside of us . Create something almost impossible , because the coming together of creations was not easy, both in yourself and in the world . The astrological large square in the solar and lunar eclipse creates the unfolding of a new space where new possibilities inwardly can unfold . ( Mars retrograde conjunct Moon and North Node in the 5th house in Libra )


Astrologically large squareI describe below, the individual contribution of each planet involved in the large square . Pluto in Capricorn with Diamond : Authoritarian power is authentic ARE . This position provides a tremendous pressure to bring in yourself , as a kind of implosion everything together.Uranus in Aries ; compelling and explosive innovation that evokes anger and impatience , the fresh new perspectives from spontaneity .

Mars ( retrograde ) in Libra ( conj. Moon and North Node ) opens its new space in yourself so you get a different perspective on yourself and brings everything to a synthesis , new links . Mars as lord of Aries is firmly connected with the renewal of Uranus and makes the internal renovation has taken place in our consciousness.

Jupiter in Cancer in conjunction with the Black Sun creates healing wholeness ( non -dual light) and fed and carried by the Source within you and outside of you. In the chart of the lunar eclipse , which will open a new space in you are Jupiter and the Black Sun in the 2nd house . This shows that there is a new basis of universal values ​​can unfold in you and how you value yourself and looks at values ​​. This participant in the great astrological square allows for recovery of the non-dual light as the basis of our values ​​.This new space can bear fruit in us and opens with the lunar eclipse and anchored in the subconscious . ( Pluto in Capricorn Diamond 8th house ) With the opening of these new values ​​will be no place more restrictive systems . I suspect that events will occur in the financial system and other restrictive system which does not allow the renewal over time.


But also in yourself , where you continue to hold on to. This is a very large inculcation of enormous forces . The eclipse shows itself as a red blood moon which in some cultures is a sign of great change . We have two blood moons in 2014 and in 2015 again two . Be still and move with the changes that will give you the best chance here unscathed through it . Grab the opportunity that these powerful energies you give to your growth from new viewpoints to be seen, old stuck energies a huge leap the old to let go and spend . A new synthesis

tags: Eclips, Lunar, Solar, Bimswiss, Simpowerteam


woensdag 9 april 2014

Tortuguero A Day With Rain, Wind And Storm The Start Of The Rainy Season In Costa Rica

Tortuguero A Day With Rain, Wind And Storm The Start Of The Rainy Season In Costa Rica

                   Tortuguero A Day With Rain, Wind And Storm The Start Of  The Raining Season In Costa Rica


50centimeters of Rain

Today i woke up with a lot of rain with a 50centimeters was falling from the sky with wind. rain and storm
because last night was the temperature so high, it was about 33degree Celcius and i could not sleep and went 2 o'clock in the morning to my bed.

After 4hour sleeping , the rain woke me up and i thought what i gonna do this day.
It was stormy weather the rain came with a hudge of water, i thought oh oh, this is not good.

Other people woke up to, even my neighboor, the rain make so much noise on the roof of our apartment because they build this apartment with a corrugated roof.
Some of the locals here in Tortuguero,(Costa Rica) had umbrellas but they had a problem with wind because
it was so stormy, the umbrella's where flying in the air because the wind was very very strong
in Tortuguero

The people are poor

The people in Tortuguero know of cours that the Rainy season was comming, Tortuguero (Costa Rica) is a village which is placed between the jungle and the Pacific sea, The people here are poor, but they are very kind and friendly, the nature here is very beautiful too.

In the meantime stopt the rain but there was still a lot of wind, the rain was today also positiv
because the temperature went at least 11 degrees down to 22.

After the rain stops, i went to a restaurant to order a smoothie, with cucumber, tomato and sellerie and a little bit of salt, mmm wunderful, so tasty and healthy.

Tags: Tortuguero, Rain, Rainy Season, Costa Rica

#Rainy Season
#Costa rica


dinsdag 8 april 2014

Eating A Fresh Mango On The River Rio Tortugue To Pavona In Costa Rica

Eating A Fresh Mango On The River Rio Tortugue To Pavona in Costa Rica 

Eating A Fresh Mango On The River Rio Tortugue To Pavona In Costa Rica 


I was last Saturday 05.04with the boat from Tortuguero via Pavona, Cariari to Guapiles in Costa Rica, to get and eat an Mango.
As you know mango's are very healthy and it keep your fit because the naturaly sugar.

 Tortuguero - Pavona

The Start was in Tortuguero, i was fully happy when i woke up in the morning, i think it was
6:00 o'clock in the Morning, i made a breakfast with eggs,rice, beans.
After i  Was finished with my  Breakfast i went to the boat to Pavona but there was a problem 
i was 30min before the was leaving from Tortuguero and that damn boat was overbooked with

 Boats at the Rio Tortugue
After the boat was leaving, i ask the guy who is owner of the boats " is it possible to get an other Boat to Pavona" because i want go to Pavona otherwise i missed the next bus.
He said to me, come!!! we take the local cargo boat to pavona.
i answered him and said ok.
We took that cargo boat and we went to Pavona on the river Rio Tortugue,
The River Torugue catchment is about 245 square kilometer. The main tributarie Gaupiles and the river Mata de Limon cover 45 square kilometer and 46 square kilometer.

The momentum to Pavona was difficult because the Rio Tortugue was very low of water, the other boat who was started earlier coudn't drive fast and was to heavy with all those tourists inside, but we were must faster within 1,5hours instead of the other boat who took 3.5hours. finally we finished in Pavona.

Pavona - Torguero

From Pavona we went to the Bus and driven to Cariari where we went to 
a family who has mango trees, after 20 minutes driving we saw the mango trees and picking mango's from one trees, this tree had a lot of mango's.

From Pavona we went to the Bus and driven to Cariari where we went to 
a family who has Mango trees, after 20 minutes driving we saw the mango trees and picking mango's from one trees, this tree had a lot of mango's.

After we finishing picking mango's we went back to Tortuguero and took the boat again and Mario my guide took the first mango and this with pleasure.

Tags: Mango, Rio Tortugue, Pavona, Tortuguero

See also: Earn Money With Blogging,
